High School
Home of the Broncos
Parent Involvement and Blackfoot High School
Blackfoot High School believes that significant learning by a student is more likely to occur when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student’s parents/guardians. Such a partnership means a mutual belief in and commitment to significant educational goals for a student, a plan for the means to accomplish those goals, cooperation on developing and implementing solutions to problems that may be encountered and continuing communication regarding the progression accomplishing the goal(s).
What Parents need to know about Blackfoot High School
Communication is the key to success in high school. Communication with your student and his/her teachers and professional school counselor will help your child achieve personal, social, and academic success in high school.
If your student is absent from school, he/she is responsible for making up all missed assignments.
Your student is allowed 5 absences each trimester. On the 6th absence your student loses credit and will need to contact an admistrator to appeal for credit.
High school students have one locker. Students may be assigned a hall locker and/or a physical education locker. This is a place for students to keep their school supplies and books through out the day, but please make sure the student is careful not to leave valuables in his/her locker and to lock thier locker at all times.
Students need to follow the dress code.
All Blackfoot High School students will adhere to the strict policy of prohibiting harassment and/or bullying.
Blackfoot High School offers a variety of clubs and activities for students. Encourage your student to get involved!